Corporación Multi Negocios (CMN) is a corporation made up of various companies with more than 18 years of experience. The support provided by this corporation guarantees professionalism and excellent results in each acquired project.
Sustainable development is promoted in Guatemala by generating investment and job opportunities. Providing quality and excellence in our construction products and services. Always aiming for a successful business culture.
We act in accordance with and respect the laws of our country and international organizations that regulate trade and international quality standards.
We provide confidence and support in each of the services and products purchased by our customers.
The innovation, experience and creativity of each one of our collaborators allows us to be a different corporation and we pay each one of them based on the results of the projects.
In partnership with our suppliers, we are constantly searching for new materials that help to permanently solve the needs of our customers.
We promote and reward the personal growth of our collaborators and meet the scheduled results of our shareholders, in each business unit, proposed in the long term.